Use: Use is limited to current members of The Highlands and their families, descendants of the H.C. Henry Family, and events sponsored by current members of The Highlands. Maximum capacity is 131 people.
Sponsorship: The sponsor is responsible for all expenses and associated setup and clean-up in preparation for and resulting from the event. The sponsor will be loaned a Chapel key to provide access for the florist, the rehearsal, practice sessions for the organist.
Scheduling: All scheduling is handled by Liz McKallor 206.802.5371. She will coordinate with the The Highlands, Inc. to avoid any scheduling conflicts prior to officially booking the date.
Charges: The current rental rate for weddings is $1,000 for Highlands residents and $1,500 for member-sponsored weddings. For all other events, there is a $100 suggested donation. Checks should be made payable to FHMC and sent care of Liz McKallor, The Highlands, 181 NW Highland Drive, Shoreline, WA 98177.
Organist and Officiant: The St. Dunstan's organist can be reached at 206.363.4319 and a fee negotiated. The event participants may provide their own source of music as well. If an officiant is needed, please arrange privately.
Entrance to The Highlands: Guests should enter The Highlands through the Main Gate located at 14823 Boundary Lane. Times and dates of the event will be provided to the Gate by The Highlands office.
Flowers: Please provide flowers as desired for the event. Remove all arrangements after the event..